

The explanation of some consequences,

 resulting from active work

of the quantum of light.


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If the particle was in the state of rest and then obtained rotary movements on a place around of its diameter because of inner impulse, the initial energy of it increases:


But this formula of energy bears general character.

And concretely energy of a particle is possible to understand in such way.

As a result of an internal impulse  ħ=h/2π  the particle rotates with frequency  ω.

 Then the product of sizes  ħ and  ω  characterizes concrete

 energy of a particle:  Е= hw/2p = ħw.

Schematically this process can be displayed so:

E0=M0c2                                                E=ħw


The particle rotates with speed more than speed of light quantum c=1.

It explains huge frequency of particle ,s rotation.

/ Tachyon theory./

One can analyze this process and from the other sight.

Under the work of the impulse of Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck, the particle starts rotation with some definite angle speed, making incorrect sphere of some volume.

This volume is characterized on coefficient of volume expanding that is marked by the letter α. Then production of three quantities:

h - the impulse of Goudsmit-Uhlenback,

α - coefficient of volume widening,

c - speed of impulse rotation.

Make a new physical parameter of the particle that is characterized as the charge:


                                        or        е=±Öħac

If the particle first worked as the charge and then it began to move with the speed of light, then schematically this process will be reflected in the following way:

    е=±Öħac                                                  E=hc

If the particle first worked actively and then it came to the state of rest, then schematically this process will be reflected in the following way:  

   е=±Öħac                                               E0/M0=c2

The particle can be in three states and all these three states are interconvertible. Schematically, all these three conditions may be united by one chain of formulas:

   E=Mc2                                E=hc                                     e=±Öaħc

The direct arrow points out that the particle acts under the influence of the impulse of Planck. This process occurs quietly, parameters of the particle do not change abruptly, homogeneousness of Vacuum is not disturbed. The curve arrow points out that the particle acts under the influence of the impulse of Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck. Now a cardinal change occurred of all the parameters of the particle. The environmental space also has changed.

These formulas logically and clear explain how charge forms that creates electrostatic field.

*     *     *

Let's consider once again, as the charge is formed.

In 1916, German physicist A.Sommerfeld, while studying the structure of atom of hydrogen, found out that spectral lines of atom undergo splitting to thinner lines. This splitting depended on some non-sizable coefficient a that is equal to 1/137.

 It was called as “fine structure constant”

 Sommerfeld found this constant, proceeding from the formula  a=e²⁄ ħc.

The charge electron was found by consideration experimental.

And Sommerfeld has found one more constant which makes the formula

of electron charge  е2=ħca.

I must admit, dear reader, that when I saw this formula, I stood stockstill in amazement and couldn't take off eyes from it. Then it struck me: "Really it is the formula of the charge  e²=ħca".

But mathematical description of the electron charge is not given in any textbook in such way.

I understand with what it is connected. Electron charge one can rewrite: е=±Öħac

 and then it results that:

two charges exist, one is positive- charge and the other is negative - anti charge.

How the modern science has found an exit from this situation?

*     *     *

Similar double state of the particle is observed also in the relativistic theory of the electron of Dirack. In 1928, English physicist P. Dirack formulated the equation of the electron that moves with the speed close to the light speed (relativistic equation of the electron). Analyzing his equation, Dirack concluded that there are two solutions corresponding to two different meanings of the energy of the electron:


From the formula, it is seen that the particle can be in two states: positive and negative. Positive meaning of the energy it is clear. But what does negative meaning of energy mean?

Dirack was in predicament.

 His theory was true, it explained spin and magnetic moment of the electron correctly. How then to explain the meaning of the negative meaning of the particle? And Dirack found way out. He invented hypothetical model, in which except real electrons, there exists also its antipode - twin antiparticle. They look like each other in everything, but although only their electric charges are equal, it is opposite in symbol. At this a strange and unusual condition was proposed: it was forbidden to real electron to meet its "negative relative", because in the time of their meeting, they mutually destroy themselves (annihilate them). Such a meeting of the particles looks fantastically.

The scientists, having created some specific conditions of the experiment found substandard behavior of the particles. But it does not mean that these particles will behave substandard in real conditions as well.

The theory of Dirack does not take into account the geometric form of the particle, that is why the essence of his theory is not clear completely and its conclusions are abstract. One would think that antiparticles must form antimatter but antimatter is not discovered anywhere in the Universe.

That is why the confirmation of Dirack that the formula  E=±Mc2  describes two different states, relating to two different electrons, is logically not satisfactory.

The scientists created gigantic accelerators for the research of the structure of the elementary particle. On them (at vacuum conditions), they push together two elementary particles, moving with the speed close to light. And they build all their theoretical conclusions, proceeding from this process of collision exceptionally. And new elementary particles are discovered in the process of collision and with that simply fantastically picture is observed: two particles with the conditional mass of the car, while colliding, can create the particle with the conditional mass of the bus. The scientists call this strange process not destroying but a "creative one" and claim that they study the inner structure of the particles this way. It is nonsense from the lunatic asylum! While pushing the particles in Vacuum it is possible to discover everything you like, because Vacuum is endless. But one needs completely different particles and different conditions in order to build earth Genesis. It is interesting how many years it will take to the physicists in order to understand that it impossible to understand the inner structure of the elementary particle.

One more way of the research of the elementary particle is to study it in the chamber of Wilson. According to the size of trace, left by the particle in the chamber of Wilson, they define physical characteristics of the particle. But the size of trace, left by the particle in the chamber of Wilson, excels the size of the particle itself in many times. That is why to understand the structure of the particle in the chamber of Wilson is analogous to understanding of the design of the plane by the trace left by it, and according to the sound of tune to understand the design of musical instrument.

Gigantic constructions: accelerators and chambers of Wilson is nothing else as pyramids of the XX- th century. They are monuments of false ideas and senseless activity.

*      *       *

Coming to Egypt, I surely went to see pyramids first. Having paid for entrance, I started going up narrow inclined board to somewhere up. In some time, I got into big room and stood stockstill. The lamp shone dimly, illuminating sarcophagus in the middle of the room. A couple stood near it.  Silently and slowly, I started approaching and very carefully peeped inside. And…and I saw an empty sarcophagus. I burst with laughter. My laughter rumbled in the empty room and the couple glanced at me in astonishment and fear and hurried to go somewhere. I could not stop. I laughed until tears went out. There was an Empire. There was Leader, Pharaoh, and God. Everybody trembled and bowed before him. One of the most important goals of his and of the society was to build pyramid. The whole country took part in this great project. Bosses ordered. Bureaucrats wrote. Inspectors watched. Slaves worked hard. Everything is for the sake of divine. And where is he? For what are these pyramids? On what were thought, energy and work of people spent ?

And here I read about constructed gigantic accelerators of the elementary particles. And the picture of the constructors of the pyramids rises in my memory. But now I do not want to laugh. On what are thought, energy and work spent ? Here are pyramids again. One false idea is replaced by the other lie. It is circulation of lie. Will not a person remain in the dark circulation of ignorance? Will not his wisdom shine with bright thought? Will not he realize the initial conditions of the Genesis? It cannot be so.


*     *     *

Therefore, negative meaning of energy of the electron in formula  E=±Mc2  and its charge in formula е = ± Ö ħ a c  means that it can transform from one energetic condition into the other. At this, all his physical and geometrical parameters change. Changes occur according to the transformations of Lorents. Here is a schematic chain of this process:

E0/M0=c2                                  E=hc                                      E=ħw



       E0/M0=c2                                E=hc                                              e=±Öaħc


From the chain of these formulas it is clearly seen three states of one and the same particle:

a) in the state of rest.                      E=Mc²

b) in the state of movement             E=hc

c) in the state of active work           E=ħw         e=±Öaħc

This process is interconvertible.

This chain of formulas reflects one of the most important laws of physics-Law of preservation and transformation of energy. This law points out the ability to produce different transformations and after that to return to one of its initial states. This law shows the ability of the particle to rule over the energy by transforming it for different goals. And the essence of all phenomena that occur in nature is connected with the ability of the particle to transform its energy. The essence of the law of preservation and transformation of energy is in it.

Nowadays, the law of preservation and transformation of energy is received in physics as a simple bookkeeping calculation of debit-credit. It is a primitive judgment about one of the most important Law in Nature.


Because debit-credit is “ a bookkeeping symmetry law”.

And the life begins with disturb of symmetry. The occurrence of Life is connected not with symmetry, but  with breaking of symmetry.

For something to happen there has to be a "broken symmetry".

This law is not maintained indeed in the conditions of macro world. But in the conditions of micro world, this law of preservation of energy is disturbed. And then the scientists "save" it inventing new particles. Example of it is abstract "theory  β  disintegration". The phenomenon of  β  disintegration is explained as arbitrary utterance of electrons by nucleus of radioactive elements.

And in this process the disturbance of law of preservation of energy is found.

All the theorists - physicists were puzzled. Then the most brave of them N. Bohr suggested to "refuse the idea of energy preservation". But physicists are conservative people and they cling to old ideas with all their might.

And here one of them, Swiss physicist W. Pauli, gaining to preserve the law of energy preservation, suggested that at  β  disintegration one more neutral particle that takes away insufficient energy, should take part. E.Fermi has named this particle neutrino.

 It is interesting to note, that physics affirm, that neutrino is very similar to the  quantum of light,

 does not have mass of rest.

I offer to consider process  β - disintegration in another way.

Electron, originally taking place in atom, is released (makes quantum conversion) under the circuit:


E=ħw                                     E=hc « E0/M0=c2


This chain is explained in the following way:

1.Electron  E=ħw  liberates from the nucleus of atom.

 At this the curve arrow denotes that the impulse of Goudsmih-Uhlenbeck changes.

 Electron gradually changes its form of sphere, its energy (E=ħω) also changes gradually  .

2.And later on electron flies as quantum of light (circle)  E=hc. 

The direct arrow denotes that electron moves uniformly rectilinearly

under the influence of the impulse of Planck.

3.And after the uniform rectilinear movement can be replaced

 with a condition of the rest  E0/M0=c2.

So, first Dirack invented antiparticles in 1927. Then Pauli "discovered neutrino on the end of pen" in 1929. The theorists of physics liked their idea to explain unclear qualities in the phenomena, discovering new particles (to transfer pain from sick head into a healthy one). And they started to discover the whole anti micro zoo of elementary particles with the construction of these accelerators. And when an unclear quality just appears, they seek new elementary particle, which can explain these unclear qualities.

But how to find it?

It  is very simple - one should increase the power of accelerators. And physicists indulge in fancies that it would be great to build accelerators with diameter that seizes our whole planet of Earth. These are nonsense ideas. It is possible to increase the power of accelerators and consequently one can find some new particles. But is our planet word built from them?

 Vacuum is endless and is not empty. And aspiration to know it by the method of construction of more powerful accelerators is the way of "stupid infinity" it is "a trace of dinosaurs" which leads to dead end. This way will not explain the inner structure of the particles.

*     *     *


The wish of the scientists to understand the picture of Existence is great. That is why aspired to understand the structure of micro particle, they created new abstract theory "quantum chromo- dynamics", "quark model" in 1963. According to this model, elementary micro particles consist of three smaller particles that received the name of quarks: up, down and strange. Three anti quarks correspond them. They all possess fractional charge. With the help of different combinations of these particles, they succeeded to explain series of phenomena and to predict the existence of new particles. These new particles were seen on the accelerators after that that they succeeded to increase their power. But the explanation of the qualities of new particles demanded to introduce the fourth quark into the theory, called charmed. Anti quark corresponds it. With the help of it, they succeeded to explain the qualities of these particle.

 One could think that quark model is perfect. However, the power of the accelerators increased and a new particle was discovered, the qualities of which did not find room in four-quark model. Then the scientists introduced the fifth quark, called beauty and with the help of it, they explained the qualities of new discovered particles. But powerful accelerators still increased and increased and new particles were introduced. In order to overcome difficulties in explanation of qualities of new particles, they had to introduce a new quark: truth.

Then they gave a conventional name: "color". Now each quark can have three varieties of colors: "red", "blue" and "yellow". Besides, in order to keep quarks together, interaction between them should be carried out with the help of eight other particles-gluons. They carry powers of interaction between quarks. And with all that, it is claimed that it is impossible to watch quarks gluons in a free state.

Quark theory is not completed. It is possible to increase the power of accelerators. And then new particles will be introduced. For their explanation, one would have needed to introduce a new quark- the sixth one. I think it would have received the name "sexual", and would have had two varieties: masculine and feminine. With this, the theory would be completed. And if some exceptions from the rule appear, it would be necessary to ascribe it to the interference of "sexual minority". They always spoil a good idea.

In physics, it was regarded as a tradition that an obligatory condition of a good theory was a small number of parameters. But judging by the quark theory, physics got sick with "parametric disease", i.e. for the explanation of conditions of each new particle, new parameters are introduced. And with the help of such a method, one can explain everything he wants.

*     *     *

Let us analyze again electric field that is connected with electron:

  1. In "motionless state", i.e. rotated locally at the same place electron creates electric field. Its energy is equal  E=ħω. During rotary movement, geometric form of electron is spherical.
  2. If at some moment of time, the charge starts its movement, and that will bring to the change of its spherical form. It becomes the same as of ellipsoid, flattened in the direction of movement. At the same time with this, electric field starts deformation. It looses spherical symmetry and becomes ellipsoidal.
  3. The further uneven movement of electron accompanies by deeper deformation of electric field. The spherical field will be transformed to an ellipse field.

 And in process of his removal the ellipse field is more and more became narrow and extended.

 And in a limit (at the moment of breaking-off )  the electron gets the form of a string.

 /String theory /.

Therefore, electron can have the different geometrical forms:

circle, ellipse, sphere , string.

  1. When electron further on moves independently with the light speed c=1,

Electric field stops its existence.

Thus, electron and quantum of light is the same particle,

 which can be in different states.

At present time it is considered that quantum of light and electron are two different particles.

But the physicists themselves claim that experimentally an amazing phenomenon is observed for quantum of light with high frequency that transforms  into electron.

In his book " Isaac Newton " Soviet academician  S. I. Vavilov wrote:

" For photons with extremely fast fluctuations,

superior the certain meaning, on experience

the remarkable phenomenon of transformation them in … electron is observed.

Undoubtedly as well returned process is. "



But the process of this transformation is not comprehended by them completely.

*     *     *

In Bible, it is said that God created light on the first day of creation and Sun only on the fourth one. About what light is it spoken in Bible? About what initial particles and quanta of light is it spoken all the time in this book? The matter is not in material particles, coming from light sources, such as Sun or lamp.

The speech goes about more than 90% of the invisible matter named "latent mass", which under the statement of the scientists exists in the Universe. But nobody knows that this represents "latent mass".

Other scientists approve, that in the universe exist, so-called, relict (primary) photons. They approve, that on one material particle (proton) it is necessary approximately 109 relict photons.

 A difference is great. This "latent mass", these primary photons are initial particles and are considered in SRT and Quantum theories.

*     *     *

Vacuum is inhabited by the particles that, by the expense of their inner impulse, can:

or rest                                     E0/M0=c2

or move                                  E=hc,

or rotate around their axis        E=ħω.

Thus, physical qualities of the particle depend on the inner impulses occurring in it. For the accomplishing of these actions, the particle must possess germs of wisdom, consciousness. The Divine particle possesses this consciousness. And consciousness of this Divine particle cannot be static, it develops "from vague wish to bright thought".

Thus, these particles are born, like children, with the developing consciousness. They live infinitely long. But who was born must die sooner or later. But then a question arises: "What gave birth to these Divine particles?"

It is clear that these particles that possess consciousness, can give birth to something more conscious. And when you realize this fact, you stand stockstill in deep silence before something Great, Infinite, Immense, Conscious that defies the grasp, which hides behind absolute temperature T=-273,16ºC.

In ancient religions, they call Vacuum "Great emptiness" and characterize as Non-genesis that causes Genesis. This Genesis is characterized in Hermetic by words: "The Universe is something intellectual". Great emptiness is the source of the whole variety of Genesis. Now physicists only obliquely and abstractly admit the influence of Vacuum on Material Genesis. Then there are all the possibilities for deeper and more concrete understanding of perception of the structure of Vacuum.

*     *     *

In different times, different religions, different philosophers called the initial particles in different ways: Plato-idea, Leibnits- monade, Kant- "the thing in itself" and so on.

With the development of the science within classic physics, there was not place for the explanation of inner (vivid) power. But with the creation of SRT, quantum mechanics and atom theory, the scientists had to introduce new terminology. And here they entered such new notions into the science:

  1. particle with mass/energy of rest,
  2. particle of the imaginary quantity,
  3. antiparticle,
  4. neutrino,
  5. particle with the "defect of mass",
  6. particle with "energy of connection",
  7. virtual particle,
  8. tachyon.

Under these different names and definitions, the same the only essence is hidden-particle E=mc². It has the ability to transform into other forms of energy:

E=hc,     E=ħω,               e=±Öaħc

The goal of this transformation is creation of material Genesis.




By virtue of my strength and abilities, I tried to explain the initial conditions of Genesis simply and accurately as multiplication table.

H. Hertz joked: "Formulas are cleverer than people", because the essence of formulas was not clear. Einstein once said that a scientist does not think by formulas. It was said in connection with "paradox"-dualistic behavior of the particles. But thanks to formulas, equations and laws, a person perceives the picture of Genesis. The picture of Genesis is not paradox; consequently, both formulas and laws of nature cannot be paradox. It is our humane logical thought is paradox, when it cannot understand or accept the initial conditions of Genesis and the essence of quantum of light. When we realize this, we objectively and logically can understand the picture of Genesis, owing to formulas, equations and laws. Reader, please read and analyze critically:

§1. Physical state of the Universe is Vacuum that is characterized

by absolute quantity T=-273,16ºC.

§2. Vacuum gives birth to the resting particles:

C/D=p            R/N=k            E0/M0=c2           h=0      i=Ö-1              t»¥

§3. At some moment, the resting passive particles starts vibrating around its axis like pendulum                    h=1/2.

§4. At some moment because of the impulse of Planck, the particle starts moving uniformly, rectilinear with constant speed.

h=1                 c=1=const                  M=E=hc=kβc            M≠0

Such movement does not disturb rest and homogeneousness of Vacuum.

§5. Because of the impulse Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck  ħ=h/2p,  transformations of Lorentz occur to the particle and in consequence of that its geometric and physical parameters change.

E1=E0Ö1-(v/c)2               С/D¹p            С/D<pÖ1-(v/c)2

M1=M0Ö1-(v/c)2                           t1=t0Ö1-(v/c)2

the particle becomes the charge  е=±Öaħc

that possesses energy  E=ħw

the particle actively works, creating electrostatic waves

            l=ħ/mv        l=ħ/mc  ( limiting case)             

§6. If the particle can be in three states and in dependence of these circumstances, can decide itself in what of three states it should be, it means that it is necessary to ascribe it conscious origin. This consciousness cannot be still. It develops and evolutes "from vague wish to bright thought".

§7. Then to the question: ""What gave birth to these Divine particles?" you understand that something more Conscious could cause them. Something more Absolute, Great, Infinite, Immense, Conscious which hides behind absolute temperature T=-273,16ºC.

And then it became clear, why ancient Egyptians wrote in sacred tractate:

"The Universe is something intellectual". It becomes clear, why they ascribed creative origin to the Great Emptiness in religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. It becomes clear, why severe logical analysis confirms the rightness of ancients, who said:

"There is Great Emptiness

and nothing sacred in it".

But then, expressing already their subjective humane opinion, they added:

"But we, people like flowers

and avoid thorns".

Such logical explanation of the initial conditions of genesis is clear also to a schoolchild and to any thoughtful reader.

*    *    *

About 2300 year ago a great Aristoteles divided the knowledge of nature into two parts:

physics (science of nature), and metaphysics ( science staying before physics).

How strange it is, he is right.

The theory of ideal gas, SRT, Quantum theory are the part of physics (metaphysics),

which describe the structure and behaviors of the particles in Vacuum, then there is not still material Existence.

And physics begins only when it is explained, how material particles and whole

material Existence are greeted from these initial particle in Vacuum.


*    *    *

Dear reader! Einstein once said that God would not miss the possibility to build world in the easiest way. And really, the initial conditions of genesis turned out to be quiet simple, because the world develops from simple to complex. However, a critical reader has the right to ask the author: "And where from did material particles appear?" "Where from did beautiful material Genesis that surrounds us appear?" in the following paragraphs I will try to give the answer to this question. My answer is schematical, but I hope, that the experts can more particularly explain occurring process.


2003-2008 @ Copyright Israel Sadovnik
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