

The explanation of some internal effects

that are connected with the active work of the quantum of light.


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In the Bible it is written that Adam and Eve committed primeval sin, when they did not obey God. God banished them from paradise. And he was right. Because the main Spiritual law says – you have to obey your God. But these are, as it is said, the business of heaven.

But modern scientific Bible starts with SRT. And here the primeval sin starts with misunderstanding of this theory. The scientists worked out mathematical apparatus of this theory without understanding of its essence. And here are we, sinners, banished from the paradise of logical thinking and wonder in the darkness of relevance and not understanding and not seeing the light of real absoluteness.

*     *     *

How to understand SRT? What does SRT describe?

SRT analyzes endlessly small particles in Vacuum. Let us imagine two particles which are in Vacuum in the state of rest. At some moment of time, one of the particles stars moving and the theory analyzes the movement of this particle concerning the other one, which remained in the state of rest. What does a resting particle observe when the other started its movement? It sees the following:

1) The geometrical form of the resting particle is circle and with the movement will change on the form of a "wrong" sphere according to the formula:

                                                C/D < pÖ1-(v/c)2

2) The mass of the moving particle has increased:

m1 =m0/Ö1-(v/c)2               m1>m0

3) The energy of the moving particle increases.

Е1 =Е0 /Ö1-(v/с)2                Е1>Е0

4) The time of this active action is determined under the formula:

                       t1 = t0 / Ö 1 - (v /c)2             t1 > t0

All symbols with is familiar "0" concern to the resting particles, and with

 a symbol  "1" - to the moving particles.

Dutch physicist H. Lorentz discovered these transformations in 1904 and they received the name "transformations of Lorentz". Why and how does the reduction of the moving body occur?

Why does time change? Why and how does dependence of increasing mass on speed occur?

 What sense is hidden under the words ?

To understand this, means to understand mechanism, hidden in Lorentz transformations.

Lorentz transformations are not a simple movement of the point A towards point B ( as they consider now). It is not a rectilinear movement. This is some wonderful, not ordinary movement. This movement is already different - not rectilinear. This movement - rotation on a place around of its diameter. At this movement circle transfers into sphere.

Dutch physicists S.Goudsmit-G.Uhlenbeck revealed physical sense of movement connected to transformations of Lorentz, when they had to ascribe internal rotating impulse to electron in 1925. This impulse causes changes that are described by transformations of Lorentz. But nobody from the researchers of a science has connected transformations of Lorentz and initial impulse of Goudsmih-Uhlenbeck with geometrical form of particle, the circle.

Without taking into account interconnection of inner impulse with the true geometrical form of the particle, all the following argumentations are abstract and senseless.

*     *     *

What micro particle does SRT observe?

At the beginning, Newton created classic mechanics.

Then Maxwell discovered laws of electrodynamics.

All the attempts to explain theory of electrodynamics from the mechanical point of view failed. That is why later on the theory of electrodynamics was admitted as an independent section of physics, independent from classical mechanics.

Created by Einstein, SRT originated from the development of ideas of electrodynamics of Maxwell. SRT roots leaves in electrodynamics.

The theory of Maxwell observes electro dynamical processes, created with “stationary”,

"as if resting" electron. Then many scientists were interested in the question of what would be if the “stationary” electron would start moving. Almost at the same time, some articles on this topic are published. H. Lorentz writes the article "Electromagnetic phenomena in the system moving with arbitrary speed that not exceeds the speed of light". A. Poincare writes two articles "About dynamics of electrons". A. Einstein writes the article "To electrodynamics of the moving bodies". Thus, all scientists were interested only in one question: "what will happen to the "resting" electron of Maxwell when it will start moving?"

 And from this idea SRT Einstein has arisen.

From modern positions we should understand the process described in SRT so:

1) Stationary, "resting" electron Maxwell must accomplish the impulse of Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck for creation  a electromagnetic field.

2) The rotary movement of electron round its diameter will be the consequence

 of this inner impulse .

3) At this rotation changes will occur that are mathematically

described by transformations of Lorentz

4) These  changes occur electro dynamical effect.

Thus, Maxwell,s theory and SRT analyzes the electron that creates electrical field.

 And classical mechanics analyzes the particles that do not create electrical field.

It is pity, but modern physicists do not see any difference between electron that

creates electric field and other particles that do not create electrical field

 and they ascribe the effects of SRT to both of them. The main attention they pay

on mathematics, to transformations of Lorentz. Surely, it is possible to disperse proton, rocket, and engine with speed that is close to light speed and to say that according to transformations of Lorentz, their parameters will change. Mathematically it is correct.

But these examples are senseless, because there is no theory of electric field, creating with proton, rocket or car. Use SRT, transformations of Lorentz for the bodies that are not able to create electric field leads to nonsense, absurdness.

*     *      *

As it is very important to understand SRT, then I will not be lazy to explain its essence once again. Here is the essence of SRT in my interpretation.

  1. The main and only hero in Maxwell,s theory and SRT is a quantum of light.
  2. In Vacuum in the state of inactivity, the quantum of light possesses energy/mass of rest that is equal to       E0/M0 =c2
  3. Under the action of the internal impulse of Planck quantum of light moves in Vacuum uniformly rectilinearly with the constant speed c=1.
  4. Under influence of the internal impulse (impulse Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck) quantum of light begins to rotate around of the diameter, tests changes and turns in electron. Mathematically this effect is described by transformations of Lorentz.
  5. The back effect is possible. Rotary electron starts uniform-rectilinear movement and with that, its geometrical form changes again, according to transformations of Lorentz. Simultaneously, the impulse of Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck   also to changes in impulse of Planck.
  6. Thus, quantum of light and electron, is a same particle in different condition.

All the essence of SRT is in these six items.

More then hundred years have past from the day of issue of SRT. During this period, an incredible number of articles, books, textbooks, reviews were published on this topic.

 But everything written till now is abstract argumentations of people who do not take into account the initial conditions of Genesis.

*     *    *

Einstein begins his article "To the electrodynamics of moving bodies" (SRT) with the sentence: "It is known that electrodynamics of Maxwell in its modern look brings in application to the moving bodies to asymmetry, which is not peculiar apparently to the phenomenons themselves".

Let us analyze this quotation.

The thing is that there are two kinds of transformations. In classic physics they use the transformations of Galilei, which say that with the proceeding of the particles from one reference system into the other one, its parameters do not change. Simple transformations of the particle occur from one reference system into the other one that is similar to it. These transformations are quiet, they do not cause any sharp shock. It seems that one can use these transformations also in electrodynamics of Maxwell. But Einstein claims that it is impossible to use these transformations now. Now one needs to use other transformations - transformations of Lorentz. But why is there a need in other transformations? Because now the conditions of the process have changed qualitatively.

Firstly, completely new particle-electron is analyzed.

Secondly, now the transference of the electron from one condition into the other is analyzed.

The changes of this condition are connected with the impulse of Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck and are described by transformations of Lorentz. These transformations explode the situation, change the condition of the surrounding environment. That is why, one needs to change the first sentence, mentioned above in the article of Einstein in the following way: "Electrodynamics of Maxwell in the application to the moving electron leads to asymmetry, which changes the space and time and geometrical and physical parameters of electron".

*     *     *

In the end of the XIX century, many physicists discovered that mass of the electron is not constant, but increases with the light speed. Dependence the energy and mass of electron from speed was a wonderful fact. Because earlier, electron was considered as invariable, tiny solid sphere with the constant mass. In 1904, Lorenz suggested a new model of electron. According to this model, interconnection of mass and speed of the electron was explained this way:

     a) the resting electron represents tiny, solid sphere.

     b) in the process of movement of electron, this sphere deforms.

Minkowski was excited. He said that to introduce solid electron in the theory of Maxwell is the same as to go to the concert tucking ears with absorbent cotton. Thus, many physicists understood that electron has inner structure. But it remains unclear what the meaning of this inner structure is. In this book the explanation of the meaning of complexness of the inner structure of electron is given.

*     *     *

Let us specify the notion of time in SRT.

Vacuum is something Infinite/Eternal, Absolute. Time is absent in it.

Period of particle's life in Vacuum is endlessly long. Then from where did time appear?

The concept "Time" appears only in the connection with the  rotation of an electron around

 of  its diameter. Then, according to the transformations of Lorenz, extension

 of time originates    t1 = t0 / Ö 1 - (v /c)2           t1 > t0.

t0 - the state of the resting particle in Vacuum, t0 = 0 = ∞;

t1 - rotation of an electron around of the diameter, t1 ≠ 0 ≠ ∞.

Time in Vacuum for this particle is stopped. The particle that exists eternally or during zero time (0 sec.) are notions that are equal in the meaning that time is absent in eternity and in moment.

 In both cases for the description of time process one needs to take a moment point of the counting.  Moment point of the counting (0 sec.) changes because of inner impulse of Goudsmih-Uhlenbeck. So, the notion of time originates with the beginning of rotation of an electron around of its diameter. This is its own time of the active work of the electron.

Once more I want to underline that here it is spoken only about electron (charge), about quantum of light. It is not spoken about another particles and micro bodies.

But scientists connect such notion of time with a man. As a result the situation appears, which they describe as "paradox of twins".

 It consists in that that one of the twin-brothers goes to the space journey with the speed close to light. Returning to the Earth after several years, he discovers that much more years have past on the Earth and his twin-brother became older in dozens years, in comparison with him.

Many books about this paradox have been written.. But it is the sphere of clear science fiction.

In SRT, it is not spoken about micro bodies, but only about electron (charge),

 about quantum of light.

*     *     *

On the level of micro world, physics is indissolubly connected with the geometry of the particle. In our earth space Euclid geometry acts that describes the abilities of the figures as the system of tightly connected lines and angles. For example, Euclid geometry claims that to two points of a solid body one and the same distance (segment) always corresponds.

 But SRT proves that it is not so. With the movement close to the light, the distance between two points reduces, i.e. there is no absolute solid body.

It was clear that only Euclid geometry does not  suit for the description of the nature phenomena. Then there was a need in the other geometry. But which one?

In 1826, Russian mathematician Lobachevsky was first to point to the fact that in geometry there is need to take notion directly connected with nature. Lobachevsky claimed that everything is in movement in nature, and consequently also in geometry lines and angles must be in movement and interconnected. So geometric qualities and geometric correlations are caused by definite physical powers. And that is why physics and geometry are interconnected. Geometry of Euclid is passive, hard, stationary and physics is separate independent subject in relations towards it. And geometry of Lobachevsky is active, flexible, dynamic and indissolubly connected with physics. German mathematician F.Klein continued the idea of Lobachevsky. He reconsidered all the geometry on the base of the theory of movement (Erlagen program).

 And then “The theory of geometric transformations”appeared.

 F.Klein (in 1871) and A. Poincare (in 1883) found a real model for the theory of Lobachevsky. Each of them analyzes circle in his theory when chords and arcs inside this circle can transform into each other. Therefore, surface appears with the negative curvature (pseudo sphere), where the correlation C/D will be less then  C/D < p.

So, F.Klein and A. Poincare analyze transformations of the circle into sphere as if from inside.

So, the theory of geometric transformations is tightly connected with physics and physical processes. But it is not pointed out what physical power commits transformations in the theory of geometric transformations.

This physical power became clear only after the discovery of the new inner (spin) impulse of the particle  ћ = h/ 2p,  by Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck. Under the influence of this impulse, circle transforms into sphere.

*     *      *

Thus, in classic physics:

  1. Space and time are different substations.
  2. Energy and mass are different quantities.
  3. Geometry and physics are independent subjects.
  4. The events in classic physics are described in decart system of coordinates plus time.

All these conditions are wonderfully fulfilled in planet conditions.

There is absolutely different picture in SRT:

  1. Time and space are united substations.
  2. Energy and mass are indissolubly connected.
  3. Geometry and physics are interconnected subjects.
  4. Events in SRT are described in relation to negative four-dimensional space.

All these conditions are wonderfully fulfilled in Vacuum.

*     *      *

Rotary effect (under influence of the impulse of Goudsmih-Uhlenbeck) is described also in algebraic form. The transformations of sphere into circle are algebraically described by formula, which was discovered by great German mathematician L. Eiler in 1748.

cos j + i sin j = e ij

I        - imaginary number i = Ö - 1

e       - the other transcendental number

j      - the angle of the turn,

            when   j = p ,     e ij = - 1

It is possible to interpret it logically as interconnection between  e and  π,  that is realized through the imaginary quantity (i). Consequently, imaginary quantity  i = Ö - 1       is one more non-sizable quantity. For a long time one related to the imaginary numbers as to something supernatural. So, G. Leibnits wrote in 1702: "Imaginary numbers are beautiful and wonderful asylum of divine spirit almost amphibian of Genesis with non genesis."

Maybe someone thinks that the words of Leibnits are improvable. He is wrong. The words of Leibnits are proved also in SRT, and in quantum physics. The time coordinate is imaginary quantity in SRT. One should add "virtual particles" for the explanation of processes in quantum physics. These quantities became an integral part of quantum physics, but they possess imaginary mass. And then they make "virtual transformations" and from non genesis (from imaginary time) they appear in Existence. So, imaginary quantities are from Vacuum, from the Kingdom of Eternal Cold.

There exists an ancient legend about warriors that fell in the battles of past times. They come back to life in order to continue unsolved battle. The same thing is with ideas. It seems that lost, crossed, handed in archivesmany times ago, the ideas of vivid particles retire again from non-geneses in order to prove their rightfulness.

*    *     *

Natural form of the particle in Vacuum is circle.

When in the consequence of its own impulse, the particle starts rotating around its diameter,

 and then correlation of the length of circumference to diameter will be less than π.

The second transcendental number, not dimension constant e=2,718 appears in the consequence of this rotation. The sizes e and π are indissolubly connected, belong to one body:

electron / quantum of light.

Now it is possible to understand physical sense connected of interaction two transcendental quantities: e and π. In physics, there are many formulas and equations in which phenomena of nature are described by interconnection of two transcendental quantities: e and π.

One more small mystery of nature has opened in front of you, dear reader.


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2003-2008 @ Copyright Israel Sadovnik
טכנאי מחשבים תל אביב