

The formulas of primary particles.


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Vacuum, the Kingdom of the eternal cold, is characterized by the Absolute temperature

T= -273,16ºC. This temperature is tightly connected with

 the"Theory of ideal gas".

Consequently, the “ Theory of ideal gas” explains the structure of Vacuum.

The ideal gas is consisted of ideal particles.

Then we shall ask the first question: "Can the particle of ideal gas possess volume, density?"

The answer is the following one:

a) According to the law of J. Charles (1787), particles that make up ideal gas at temperature T= -273,16ºC, will not possess either pressure or density:

                    P=P0 (1+αT)                        P=P0 (1+- 273⁄ 273)=0

                     α - thermo coefficient of pressure of gas that is equal to 1/273.

                      P0the pressure of gas at T=OK=-273,16ºC.


b) According to the law of J. Gay-Lussac (1802), particles of ideal gas

 at absolute zero do not have volume:

                    V=V0 (1+bT)             V=V0  (1+- 273⁄ 273)=0

                       Β -   coefficient of the volume expansion is equal to 1/273

                      V0 – initial volume at T=OK= -273,16ºC.

c) According to the law of W. Nernst (theory of specific thermal capacity for solid and liquid bodies -1910) and the law of Einstein (theory of specific thermal capacity for gases - 1925), density, pressure and volume of particles disappear at Absolute zero.

That is, according to all these laws, the particle in Vacuum at T= -273,16ºC must be some flat figure with unlimited thin thickness (it means that the scale of the Earth does not suit for measurement of this thickness).

Now let us ask the other question: "What geometric form of this flat figure should be?"

The answer is the following one.     

Let us draw some easy figures:





                 Triangle                   Square                  Circle


Vacuum does not influence on the particle in any way. Then the circle has the ideal symmetrical geometric form from all the possible figures. All the inner powers in it are distributed equally. In other two figures, there are angles for the formation of which an extra power is needed. If the figure with angles "relaxes" in Vacuum, it would accept itself the form of the circle. Consequently, the most natural geometric form of the particle is circle. Circle in geometry is characterized by the following formulas:         C/D=π;

*           *          *

And what physical and mathematical parameters does this particle possess?

The answer is the following one.

According to the law of A. Avogadro (1811), in any volume of ideal gas, there is NA of the particles. According to the law of B. Clapeyron (1834), this volume of ideal gas is characterized by the universal gas constant R. Then according to the law of Boltzman, each particle of this ideal gas will possess passive gravitational "molar, virtual" mass of rest that is expressed by the formula  R/ NA=k.

So, already in thermodynamics we can understand the parameters of initial particle and suppose that the laws of physics are tightly connected with the geometry of this particle.

From the day of the science's existence, the scientists searched for physical and mathematical definition of initial particle. And here it turns out that more then hundred years it was visible to everyone. And did not anybody try to interpret  k=R/NA as initial particle during all these years?

Unfortunately, nobody did. And the reason for that is simple. The reason is that overwhelming majority of scientists of the XIX century preferred to study the thermal phenomena not relying on some concrete notions of the substance's structure. They were interested only in such physical parameters as volume, density and temperature.

The Famous American scientist G. Gibbs wrote:

"Someone, who bases his work on hypothesis connected to substance's structure, stands on an unreliable foundation". In school textbooks, they write:

 "Theory in which thermal qualities of the particles without calculation of their molecular structure are studied, is called thermodynamics".

 Thus, from the very beginning the scientists refused to examine the structure of the particle, its geometric form. And a person who refuses to examine evident model, in advance dooms to misunderstanding of the situation. That is why nobody understood the essence of the particle that is described by the formula k=R/NA. Should we be surprised after that a man does not understand the picture of Genesis?

*           *          *

There is also a possibility to understand the physic-mathematical condition of initial particle from the entirely different point of view.

30.06.1905 the article "To the electrodynamics of moving solids" by A. Einstein was published, which afterwards received the name of "Special theory of Relativity" (SRT).

 This is one of the most fundamental theories of modern physics. Everybody admits its importance and truth. But together with it, this theory is unclear, not sensible. In this theory, all the quantities are divided into two classes: absolute and relative. The theory confirms that many physical quantities are relative. Mass, length, time that we got used to consider constant in classical physics, are relative in this theory. This discovery was so much impressing that the word "relativity" entered the name of the theory as universal concept. However, the most important in the theory is not relativity of quantities, but acknowledgment of objectiveness of two absolute quantities.

 Only two absolute quantities withstand all the relative ones (masst, length, time, power and impulse). Absoluteness of these two quantities is the central point of the theory.

Two quantities that are absolute are:

        a) the speed of the light moving in Vacuum,

        b) pseudo-Euclid space .

Let us examine these absolute quantities. What do they confirm?

The first absolute quantity is constant, independent uniform - rectilinear movement of quantum of light in vacuum.

In 1881, an American physicist A. Michelson found out that speed of light is a constant quantity (c=const.) and it does not depend on the source of radiation. It was strange and unclear. According to classical physics, speed is a characterized with the formula:                                       

S/t=V (variable)

And now it turned out that :

             S/t=c (const)

The scientists hoped that there was a mistake but the experiments done over and over only specified and confirmed the fact – the speed of light in Vacuum is constant and does not depend on the source of radiation.

This fact simply forces to confirm that quantum of light in Vacuum behaves itself as independent individual particle, which does not need the external source to come into movement. The source of the movement of quantum of light is its inner power. The possession of inner energy supplies with independent movement that is characterized with uniform - rectilinear movement with the constant speed  c=const. This speed serves as a standard of absolute movement.

From the theory SRT unequivocally follows that at the movement with extreme constant speed c=1, this particle has form of circle with endless thin thickness.

*           *          *

The Quantum theory says that at the interaction of the electron with the vacuum,

the energy and mass of the  electron become infinite.

 Physics does not understand what to do with infinite sizes

and therefore have thought up "a method of renormalization", a method

 "to sweep the dust under the carpet" / Feynman./

This method is abstract.

 The situation can be understood an other way.

 Electrons, having the geometrical form of a sphere,

 lose their volume (density) and turn into an indefinitely flat circle.

 In this is the reason for the occurrence of infinite sizes for the electron.

*           *          *

Therefore, the laws from three different spheres of physics (thermodynamics, SRT and

Quantum theory ) at the definition of geometric form of the particle in Vacuum

 equally confirm that it has a circle form. It speaks about primary unity of this  theories

 at the description of primary conditions of Genesis.

*           *          *

Now let ,s observe the second absolute quantity of the pseudo-Euclid space

When one reads an explanation of pseudo-Euclid space in the books, clauses, textbooks, it rouses bewilderment.

I will explain why.

The concept of space in SRT sets by expression

+ y² + z² – (ct) ² =0

where x, y, z – spatial coordinates

       (ct) – time  characteristic

Three spatial coordinates (x, y, z) form flat Euclid space. Time in SRT is characterized with strange negative quantity -(ct).

This flat Euclid space is indissolubly connected to surprising negative time, and their association has received the name pseudo-Euclid space. And it is Absolute in SRT.

 On a background of this space processes, described in SRT, take place.

From the point of view of the classical physics and our earthy experience, there is principal difference between space and time. Space is one category and time is the other independent category. We can produce mathematical operations between them separately.

 And suddenly  it turns out that it is impossible to separate space and negative time in SRT.

They are indissolubly connected.

 Mathematical operations over them are produced together.

And this space is Absolute in SRT.

This space is called pseudo-Euclid space, negative four-dimensional (Minkowski) space.

In this space there are act processes, described in SRT.

And pointing to the Absoluteness of this space, the scientists then complain that it is impossible to imagine it really. What a strange declaration, isn't it?

 Earlier physical processes were analyzed in material surrounding, serving a natural system of counting. Now SRT transferred physical processes from material surrounding into something physically unclear. Isn't it funny? It would be funny, if it had not cause confusion in thoughts .

And then they claim that all the rest is clear, obvious, and understandable.

 This is a real mystery.

Is it possible to build severe scientific logical theory using abstract, unreal foundation?

 Can we speak about severe scientific logic without understanding on what the primary condition of argumentation was established?

What is pseudo-Euclid space?

This is space that amalgamates with negative time.

And what is negative time?

Negative characteristic of time means that the time is absent.

 This process takes place in the sphere after the boarder of time, in Eternity, in Vacuum.

Now it is considered that negative continuum of SRT cannot be characterized with any physical quantities. But it is a mistake.

 Negative space of SRT has equivalent characteristic in the Theory of ideal gas. Space in this theory is also characterized with negative quantity. And this quantity is not abstract, but concrete and exact. Its physical parameter is              T=-273,16ºC= 0K.


The Unit of negative space in "Theory of ideal gas" and negative space in STR is also one more proof of the fact that these theories are interconnected and united, and that the science found initial conditions of Genesis long ago and it is Vacuum.

Consequently, both Thermodynamics and SRT examine Vacuum from two different positions: thermodynamic and energetic and they both claim the same:

         a) the space is negative.

         b) particles in this negative space are circle.

In his works, Einstein repeatedly wrote that Ether (Vacuum) can be accepted for the Absolute reference system, if it will not influence on any physical processes. And it is really so.

 Vacuum, as Absolute reference system, does not influence on the processes that happen in it.

Why did confusion in understanding the space arouse in SRT?

 One of the reasons is connected with misunderstanding of the Vacuum essence.

 The second reason is occupation with mathematics for the sake of mathematics itself. Many spheres of mathematics are only beautiful abstraction that is not connected with physical reality. The American scientist G. Gibbs wrote:

"Mathematician may say all he wants, but physicist must maintain at least some spark of common sense.”

Nevertheless, nearly all the century from generation to generation they explain the

Negative  four-dimensional space in schools, Universities, books,

not understanding the essence of it in  SRT.

What a dreadful picture of modern teaching and education.

Once Einstein noticed in joke that when mathematician began to learn his theory, he stopped to understand something in it. In every joke, there is a grain of truth. And in the joke of Einstein this grain is very big. Mathematician indeed led physicists into the forest, consisted of three trees. Physicists went astray in this "forest", turn around three trees and murmur: "pseudo-Euclid space is not clear, space of Minkowski is not obvious". They do not see a road from this "forest".

*      *      *

There are mathematicians who like mathematics  for the beauty of mathematical calculations bringing to art.  The connection with reality does not interest them very much.

In that case there is one old joke.

One mathematician came to give a lecture. There is nobody in the classroom, but he has a plan

 and he begins his monologue. Becoming enthusiastic he suddenly notices two students in the room.  He continues the lecture joyfully and after some time he notices that three of them are going away. "Here it is,- mathematician thinks sadly,- now one more student will come and nobody will  be here again".

It seems, that calculation has been done correctly, but being turned from the concreteness,

it evokes a smile. That is the price of mathematical abstract logic for the break with the reality.

A lot of mathematical models that are leaned on the numerical knowledge of the world,

look in such way.

The American scientist G. Gibbs wrote:

"Mathematician may say all that he wants,

but physicist must maintain at least some spark of common sense “.

Now common sense in the theory is not saved.

In physics, it was regarded as a tradition that an obligatory condition

of a good theory  was a small number of parameters.

Now such traditions are lost. Now the scientists in order to explain some phenomena

introduce new parameters and postulates.  It is an "illness" of the modern science.

Physics got sick with "parametric disease". And with the help of such a method,

with the help of extra parameters and postulates, one can explain anything he likes.


*      *      *

In 1908, Minkowski explained space of SRT in such a way: "Henceforth space itself and time itself must turn to fiction and only some kind of combination of both should still remain independent".

Let us analyze this quotation logically.

        a) "…some kind of combination of both", which remain independence, is a negative time and Euclid space. It is Vacuum.

        b) From the point of view of Minkowski, space itself and time itself…are fictions …".

 We really observe this "fiction" on our and on other Planets

 Each one has its local, independent (relative) time and local, independent space.

        c) All the Planets, Stars "with their own relative space and time",

make movement in Absolute Vacuum.

"Scientifically" speaking, "into four-dimensional world of Minkowski, they enter solid section, which represents the closed spherical space". "Four- dimensional space has pseudo-Euclid metrics; in this space there are quasi-decart… non-decart (curved) coordinates" and so on. I do not invent "wise terminology", but explain everything simply, clear and logically.

*     *      *

What particles according to space of SRT are there in Vacuum?

27.09.1905 in the article "Does inertia of the body depend on the power containing in it?" Einstein proves that in SRT continuum the particles should exist, which contain energy equal to its mass and has expressed this law with the famous formula  E0=M0.

The condition of this particle has been determined as a condition of "mass of rest",

 "energy of rest". Coefficient specifies only huge potential power opportunities of a particle.

In classic physics, energy and mass are absolutely different, individual quantities.

These individual quantities belong to separately taken space and separate time ( of our Earth). But in SRT energy and mass are amalgamated together.

 And this unusual amalgamation of energy and mass is possible only in Vacuum.

This fact already points that:

the reference system in classic physics and reference system in SRT are

 qualitatively physically different.

2) the particles, considered in SRT, qualitatively differ from particles,

 considered in classical physics.

The theory of ideal gas gave formula of the gravitational mass

 of the passive particle k=R/N.

And SRT gave formula to the particle's rest from the energetic

 point of view  c²=E0/M0.

Therefore, two theories gave formulas, which explain physical parameters of the initial particle in the condition of immobility in Vacuum.

Almost hundred years these formulas were in front of everybody . But nobody has noticed, that these formulas reflect physical parameters of initial particles and they continue to search for them.

This story with the search initial particles reminds me a grandmother ,s story which has turned all the room in search of the glasses. And the glasses were on her forehead.



From the ancient times a person wanted to know, what the Universe is, what the world consists of, what the source of the beginning is. The science gives answers to these questions clearly exactly. A person can understand the initial conditions of Genesis from the school bench.

         1. The beginning of the reference system is Infinite /Eternal Vacuum, that is characterized with the Absolute temperature T=-273,16ºC. 

         2. In this Kingdom of eternal cold there are endlessly small particles with geometric form of a circle C/D=π.

        3. From the point of view of "The Theory of ideal gas", their gravitational resting mass is defined by the constant of Boltzmann R/NA=k

        4. From the point of view of SRT, the energy of the particle in the condition of rest is characterized with Einstein's formula E0=M0.

        5. As the particle is in the state of rest, its inner impulse is equal to zero:  h=0.

        6. In mathematics, such condition of the particle in Vacuum is characterized with the imaginary quantity      i² =-1.

        The ideal of the science is to build the World from dimensionless constants. And already in these initial conditions there are such quantities as:

  1. T=-273,16ºC, and as a result its back quantity- 1/273,16
  2. π=3,14
  3. i² =-1

*       *       *

Long ago, scientists found formulas, equations and laws according to which "divine creation of the world" happened. Misunderstanding of the situation is in the fact that knowing all these formulas, equations and laws, they do not know to what reference system they should be referred. The task is to build and explain all the variety of the surrounding world from these formulas and quantities.


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