§ 10.


Atom interaction

of the electron (quantum of light)

with the material particle.


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How do the scientists see the atom of hydrogen? Atom of hydrogen consists of one electron that rotates around one proton. Besides, in atom, according to the theory β-disintegration, there must be one more particle-neutrino. Besides, according to the quantum chromo dynamics, proton must consist of three quarks. Besides, quarks are connected between themselves with other particles-gluons. And it is the simplest atom. And the other atoms are complex. They consider that they should consist of many electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks and gluons. And still they had to introduce new particles into their structure- pi-mesons, which realize interaction inside the nucleus. Such complex set of component parts in atom is abstract. It disturbs the principle of nature development. It seems to me that such model of atom is food for humorists and satirists. Because there are atoms. And the reasonable man, at the end, also consists of atoms.

 But unless in an offered picture of atom is the reason of occurrence of reasonable life and reasonable man visible?

*     *     *

Earlier, the scientists imagined atom as the smallest undivided piece of material that possesses mass.

However, in 1897, J.J.Thomson discovered the other smaller particle, mass of which was approximately in 1840 times smaller than mass of atom of hydrogen. Then many scientists did not know what to do with this particle. It was big merit of Thomson that he discovered it place in nature. In 1903, he created the theory of atom, in which he connected the smallest particle, found by him with "atom of hydrogen". The particle, found by him, got the name of electron, and "atom of hydrogen" got the name of “proton”. The model, created by him, entered the science under the name of "plum pudding".

E.Rutherford cardinally improved this model of atom in 1911. The model received the name "planetary". But it was not stable.

Rutherford compared the model of this atom with the model of microscopic solar system, that is he examined the mechanic system of interaction of electron with proton. But in this case, electron had to fall on proton very quickly and atom had to crush.

In 1913, N.Bohr improved the model of Rutherford and added stableness to it.

But for this he had to enter two strange postulates:

1)      electron in atom rotates on some stationary orbits.

2)      Electron radiates energy E=hω when it jumps from one orbit to the other one.

Entering these postulates into the theory of atom Bohr has connected classical and quantum physics together. The physicists joked that one should use classic laws on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and they should use quantum laws on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Concerning this, Rutherford wrote to Bohr:

"Your views on the mechanism of hydrogen spectrum's birth are very witty and seem to be well worked out. However, the combination of the ideas of Planck with the old mechanics makes understanding of what lies in the basis of such mechanism quite difficult…"

Then A.Sommerfeld, W.Pauli, S.Goudsmit, G.Uhlenbeck, E.Schrodinger, W.Heisenberg and P.Dirac improved the model of Bohr.

As a result of these innovations it was found, that electron should rotate not only around of the nucleus, but also around of an own axis. It appeared, that the behaviour of electron in atom does not submit to the usual laws macro world. Electron behaves strangely in atom. Why?

Because now the model of atom stopped to be a mechanic one.

Atom appeared to be non-mechanical model.

Atom appeared to be more than only a mechanic model.

 Now they examine interaction of two different particles (spiritual and material ) in atom cooperate successfully. The two different particles in atom (material and spiritual) is that union, which subsequently will create all variety of material Existence.

*     *     *

At the first stage, quantum of light interacts with material particle as a charge that creates electromagnetic field – e1. This process occurs at some minimal distance between them.

At the second stage of interaction is atomic – e2.

Quantum of light (electron) is an active particle that rotates around material passive particle - proton. Now, in order to interact with proton, electron pastes to it directly.

 What does it to paste to proton mean?

It means that electron, while rotating in direct nearness from proton, by its rotation softened the cover of proton so that its surface represents not a solid sphere, but astringent boggy cover of the sphere. Immersion into this astringent surface as if pastes electron to proton. The effect of pasting as if increases mass of electron in many times.

 Let’s assume, that weight of a pencil 10 grammes. However, being pasted to a table it weigh will increase in many times. All depends on quality of glue.

Therefore, it is not necessary to image new particles, heavier then electron,

to explain the atom power.

 Being pasted to this astringent surface, electron produces two movements: around proton and around its axis. Electron has to work all the time in order to keep the surface of proton astringent. The excited atom forms linear spectrum of radiation. Various electrons (depending on the impulse of Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck) are connected with proton to some extant that is why atom can be on different definite excited energetic levels.

And how can electron, being immersed in astringent proton, simultaneously rotate at distance from it? Electron possesses the ability to deformation (transformation of Lorentz).

The deformation of electron can be quite different: circle, ellipse and sphere. And it can stretch into thin radiant string, while tearing away from proton. /String theory /.

If electron tears away from nucleus-proton, the radiation of energy on formula  Eω occurs. What does it mean "electron tears away from nucleus-proton"? It means that electron, in the process of changing of the form of sphere into circle, at some section stretches so that obtains form of string, which tears away in the point of fastening with proton. It is approve, that torn away quantum of light is always polarized. How can this torn away polarized quantum of light look? Only as circle.

Here is the scheme of interaction of electron and proton.

e=±√αħc                                               E=hc                                          E/M=c2

 Atom is being destroyed without electron. Now material particle-proton can accomplish only chaotic thermal movement. This movement possesses solid spectrum.

The other scheme of atom of hydrogen is: H = p+e.

The atom hydrogen is alive design.

The atom hydrogen lives 12 minutes.

This the first stable object created by electron.

 One can say that with the creation of hydrogen atom directly starts the history of life development on the planet. And someone has said a long time ago, that if to give suffices time

to atom hydrogen it will turn into man.

*     *     *

In § 7 I have told, how quantum of light has escaped from my heart and has departed in star emptiness. At movement it stretched in a very thin string, which was attached to my heart.

This and others religious experience have helped me to understand essence of the formulas of physics. /String theory /.

I do not ask to consider my experience as the proof of the theory of a structure of atom. I ask to understand, how the religious experience is important during knowledge.


*    *    *

The complex atom appears gradually.

In the complex atom, they suggest now the existence of multitude of electrons.

But at that they had to introduce strange principle - " Pauli,s  principle ".

In 1924 for the explanation of atom structure, Pauli supposed that:

 "…the level is already "filled", if it is busy with the only one electron; states,

 contradicting this postulate are forbidden".

 I.e., the level of energy in atom is define with the only one electron.

This one should understand in the following way: if in atom there are more than

one electron (for example, two electrons), this atom represents "Siamese twins".

This state is not normal.

Save us, the Great God, of having such atom, such children!

*     *     *

It is approve, that the nucleus of complex atom consists of two parts - from protons and neutrons. Physicists suppose, that protons and neutrons are the same particles only in different energetic states.When the neutron lets out electron, it turns to a proton. And when the proton absorbs electron, it turns to a neutron. Thus atom hydrogen has different energetic state, depending on if electron is present in it or not.

When such circuit of atom was created, it was very quickly counted up, that electrons are too easy to carry out connection in a nucleus.

In order to explain interactions in nucleus of complex atom (between protons), Japanese physicist Yukava suggested that there must exist particle that possesses mass in 200 times more than mass of electron. And when the accelerators were created, the scientists really found such particle. The accelerators are "magic wand" for physicists. With the help of this "magic wand", they discovered already over one thousand elementary particles. Period of life of the majority of them is insignificantly small  t=10-23 sec. they die no sooner than being born. You won't build material world of such quickly collapsing particles. And atom of hydrogen does not consist of them. But this does not embarrass the scientists. They make calculations for the sake of calculations themselves, not being aware of initial conditions of Genesis. Is not it Sisyphus's labor? Unfortunately, not quite. In the huge hall in the solemn atmosphere, his Majesty the king entrusted the predictor of the new particle Yukawa the Nobel Prize for his mathematical virtual work. The colleague Nostradamus could envy him. And not only him.

With the creatiing of accelerators the great army of foretellers appeared.

 If it is necessary to solve any problem, at once predict existence of a new particle responsible for this problem.  And having created more powerful accelerators, foretellers triumph:

 "The New particle was found!"

 Whose is a victory?

If the effect of glueing electron to a proton was taken into account, there would be no need for a prediction of new, heavy particles.

*     *     *

If the atoms connect chaotically, by chance, without aim, the whole reasonable World will

Change to an absurd unit of elements.

And then on a question "When things start to think?" it is necessary to give the answer

 "From the elementary atom of hydrogen".

Thus, we see that Spiritual Constructors of Genesis are quanta of light learned to interact with material particles-protons for many milliard years, gradually creating all the magnificence and variety of life on the planet Earth. Not immediately, we became such "clever – in ties and spectacles" as we look today.


2003-2008 @ Copyright Israel Sadovnik
טכנאי מחשבים תל אביב